Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Reeths-Puffer
6.0 years ago @ 12:07AM
- Game Date
- Feb 22, 2019
- Score
- Kenowa Hills High School: 50
The varsity boys concluded their regular season by beating Muskegon Reeths Puffer 50-46 at home. The Knights got down 0-11 off the tip, but slowly battled back to tie it at half 25-25. Senior Cam McCarthy had a go ahead lay-up late in the 4th quarter and led the way with 17 points. Senior Josh Bergsma contributed 7 points with a couple big late charges. Senior Matt Conrad netted 6 points included two big free throws in the final seconds to help seal the victory. The Knights finish the season with a record of 13-7, the best regular season since 2006, and turn around and play Reeths Puffer again Monday night at 6 pm, at home, to open up district play.