Kenowa Hills Athletics

Home Of The Knights

Girls Varsity Basketball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Greenville Senior HS School

6.0 years ago @ 9:19PM
Game Date
Dec 18, 2018
Kenowa Hills High School: 35

Greenville outscored Kenowa 16-3 in the first quarter with Adele Kemp leading the way.  Peyton Thayer and Lexi Nguyen stepped up the defense which enabled the Knights to score.  Knights matched the scoring for the last three quarters and ended the game 35-47.  Holtrop lead the scoring with 12 points, 4 rebounds, Lexi Nguyen was a close second at 11 points 4 rebounds, and Katelyn Stulpe had 7 points and 2 rebounds.  Alexa Wynsma led the team in rebounding with a total of 5 boards. Payton Thayer and Lily McCarthy had 2 points and 3 rebounds each.  Knights continue to play great team defense, which will lead to future success.